Thoughts on Koginzashi kit materials
◆The fun of learning about materials I'm the type of person who likes to use cloth and thread from a variety of manufacturers when it comes to materials for kogin embroidery. I often use fabrics and threads that I feel are compatible with me, but it is important to understand the characteristics of each fabric and thread, such as the differences in color and stitching feel, as well as the differences in color and atmosphere when placed on the fabric. I feel it's a lot of fun. And we would like to share the fun of it through the Koginzashi kit, this blog, and SNS.

◆Experience the characteristics of materials with kits Satonobou's kits use fabrics, threads, and materials from various manufacturers, with the idea that you can enjoy experiencing the materials together. Differences depending on the material include not only differences in color and aspect ratio of the modoko, but also in the feeling of stabbing . This difference can only be experienced by those who enjoy Koginzashi, and it is a moment that makes me feel very happy. We hope that when you enjoy the kit, you will also be able to enjoy the charm of the materials.

◆Appreciation of materials The fact that I include at least cloth in my kit is my way of expressing my gratitude for the value of materials. About 10 years ago, the choice of materials was very limited, but it has gradually increased, and until just before the coronavirus, I think there was a wide range of materials for kogin zashi. However, once the peak was over, the domestically produced Color Congress was discontinued one after another, and linen cloth became difficult to produce for various reasons such as rising prices and aging looms, making me extremely grateful to be able to obtain it. I started to feel it.
When I was in middle school, my social studies teacher taught me, ``The best way to contribute to your local community is to shop and spend your money locally.'' I finally began to understand what that meant. Ta. Need and appreciation can be expressed through purchases. And that action leads to the next one. I would like to connect my thoughts in my own way and create a cycle.
Of course, there are many people who just want the design, and I think I have to respond in the same way, but if I find a design that clearly conveys the feelings I want to convey, I will sell the design. I would like to start! Please wait until then.
Enjoy your Kogin time today as well.