Kogin sashimi kit 9

◆Skill up kit 9
In the photo below, Kit 8 is on the left and Kit 9 is on the right. In Kit 8, independent modoko (basic patterns) were placed next to each other to enjoy the design based on the color scheme . For Kit 9, I picked up one of the color schemes from Kit 8 and connected it to Modoko to make the pattern unit larger . The materials are the same as Kit 8: Kogin Dwell (linen cloth) and Kogin thread made by a handwork fan.

◆Difficulty level and points

The difficulty level is 3. At first glance, the images above look the same, but if you look closely, you can see that kit 8 on the left has independent patterns, while kit 9 ​​on the right has patterns that are connected by color. think. One way to play with patterns in Kogin-zashi is to put them next to each other, as in Kit 8, but it is also to connect (absorb) adjacent patterns as shown on the right.In Kit 9, we experienced the latter. I made a kit that can do it. If you learn this method, you will have more options when designing Koginzashi, and I think you will have fun wondering what to do.

◆Material introduction
Tsugaru Kobosha Kogin Dwell (Azabu)
Kit 9 uses a Japanese warbler color. It is a kogin cloth that has tension and a vertical pattern. The calm dullness of the fabric always gives the feeling that the fabric color is changing to match the thread, and although there are no plans to reproduce it, it is a color that everyone should try at least once. I’m looking forward to Tsugaru Kobosha’s future fabrics!

Handmade fan hand-dyed kogin thread
Recommended for beginners, this is a great kogin thread that can be used with any fabric. It is compatible with Kogin Dwell and the needle advances smoothly. The coloring is exquisite and the colors are gentle, so you can create casual and gentle works even on cloth with atmospheric colors. There are many colors available, so be sure to visit the handwork fan's web shop.

What you can experience (= How to enjoy Koginzashi)
⚪︎Experience and learn how to connect modoko (basic patterns) ⚪︎Enjoy watching modoko combine and transform ⚪︎Experience the movement of kogin embroidery surrounding the pattern ⚪︎Handwork fans learn about the characteristics of hand-dyed kogin cloth⚪︎Tsugaru Learn about the characteristics of Kobosha Kogin Dwell ⚪︎Know that ironing will make your work ready ⚪︎Experience the joy of displaying it as an interior ⚪︎Feel happy every time you look at your work⚪︎ (Please add your experience) please try)


◆Production Secrets Kit 9, initially you could choose the color scheme shown in the photo above. However, when I thought about it, the design was completely different, and I decided to seal it. Once you learn how to connect patterns with Kit 9, you will be able to assemble the above pattern in your head. Please have fun while applying it.

◆Koginzashi Kit 9 Sales link

Please continue to enjoy your fun Kogin time.
