Living in America 4
Satonobo's Life in America Part 4
It's been five months since I came to America. I've become more positive. You may be wondering what that means, but it really opened my eyes. (laughs)
When I wrote my blog last time, I was aware of my fatigue , but I didn't really know how to relieve it, and all I could think about was returning to Japan for a while. However, after hearing someone's words, I started stretching, and things have improved. What's more, when I started stretching for myself, the kids said they'd join in! They even made a team called the Stretchies , and we even started new conversations, like, "Stretchies starts at 8 o'clock!" The participation rate of the kids, who are healthy both physically and mentally, has gradually decreased (lol), but I want to keep going. My thoughts have become brighter and I feel healthier at the same time, and I'm starting to think that illness really does come from the mind. I think I've gotten a lot sicker since coming to America (lol).

(Second winter break: Pizza made during winter break)
◆There are still many things I don't understand, but I understand more.Looking back, I feel that I have understood a lot more since I started from scratch. I can now use supermarket coupons, I can talk even if I don't understand a lot of what they say (my fear of conversation has decreased), and other things that happen in my daily life. However, when I don't understand 100% of the small talk while waiting for the school bus, or I can't say what I want to say, I reflect on how little English I understand. I wonder what's wrong with me, while my son is working hard and learning English, so I try to check how to express things when he's in trouble, but in reality, I haven't been able to study English at all. I've decided that it can't be helped because I'm not studying abroad, but I'll have to study once my mental health returns to normal!
My goal for this year was to get healthy , and as mentioned above, this is heading in a good direction. As for language , listening skills have improved automatically because I only speak English outside the home, so I would like to increase my vocabulary and spend more time studying. As for Koginzashi , it has been decided that I will exhibit at an event in the United States for the first time! I will set up a booth at Japan Fair , a big event that will be held in Bellevue at the end of June, where companies and organizations with ties to Japan will participate! I'm still not feeling calm and haven't prepared anything, and I thought I'd have to prepare by March! But it's already mid-March. I'm going to get excited and do my best! And my long-awaited second son's preschool has been decided! It starts in September, so I think Koginzashi activities will start in earnest around October .
I haven't bought tickets yet, but I'm planning to go back to Japan for about three weeks in July. I'll take orders while I'm in the US, and ship them out while I'm back in Japan. I'm still considering it, but I'd like to do that as much as possible. I actually want to ship from the US, but it took about three months for my Christmas cards to arrive (where were, so I haven't considered it because it only feels like a risk. I'm also thinking about selling the data, but first I need to create a good piece that makes me want to make a design! When I think about Koginzashi, I feel so positive like this, so I think I'll be very energetic from autumn onwards!
This has been a very vague update, but we hope to be able to provide more detailed information regarding our summer limited-time sales around May, so please wait a little longer.

▶️Shop (will be open when I return to Japan)
▶️Instagram (We share the simplicity and fun of Kogin embroidery through videos, etc.)